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Bilan de Vitalité + Soin AromaTouch® consultation


A vitality assessment to measure your state of health, and the strengths and weaknesses of your body, particularly your organs, via a non-invasive electrodermal assessment based on traditional Chinese medicine.

An AromaTouch® treatment to apply essential oils along your energy meridians and reflex points on your back and feet.


“Searching for the cause rather than treating the symptom

A combined offer including :

A vitality check-up to measure your state of form d, taking stock of your body’s strengths and weaknesses, particularly those of your organs.
Ideally, it should be carried out preventively, in line with the naturopathic philosophy that your body has the capacity to rebalance itself autonomously to avoid the appearance of problems (principle of homeostasis).

An AromaTouch® treatment for the application of essential oils along your energy meridians and reflex points on your back and feet.
It is performed on a massage table or seated for 45 to 60 minutes. It aims to create a deep sense of general well-being, reducing physical and emotional stress and supporting the autonomic nervous system.


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