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Aromatherapy is a wonderful emotional support

Aromatherapy is a wonderful emotional support

Did you know that aromatherapy can accompany our emotions?

I’d like to talk to you more specifically about the cyclical nature of women and their associated emotions.

If there are days when you feel irritable, upset, discouraged or even withdrawn, and other times when you feel loving, intuitive or peaceful … then you’ve come to the right place!

If you find yourself at a loss or at a loss to understand your anxieties or anger, I invite you to read these few lines:

Whether positive or negative, our lives are governed by our emotions, which can increase tenfold depending on the cycle you’re in.

Believe it or not, we are by nature cyclical. We’re linked to our lunar cycle and governed by our menstrual cycle, which is no longer considered sacred, a source of creativity and power.

Our contemporary society is dominated by “masculine” functioning and a linear vision of time and action, neglecting any cyclical nature. There is no longer any teaching of women’s cycles and energies, apart from basic physiological knowledge.

Author and lecturer Miranda Grey sheds light on the cyclical nature of women and explains how to observe ourselves in order to live our cycle to the full. She assumes that we integrate 4 archetypes into the month. Each represents a phase: the menstrual phase, the post-menstrual phase, the fertile phase and the pre-menstrual phase. Every woman has her own rhythm, and it’s an invitation to observe yourself to better understand how you function, and adapt your daily routine with self-respect.

The menstrual cycle is “a dynamic process that can have an active influence on a woman’s physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development, as well as that of the society and environment in which she evolves”.

Certain emotions considered “negative”, such as anger, anxiety or sadness, are more often ignored or even buried, to the detriment of our physical and emotional health (somatization of stress, chronic inflammation, aggression…).

Through this cyclical vision, I invite you to let go of your guilt. These sometimes exacerbated emotions can simply be welcomed. Your motivation, your state of mind and your behavior will be completely different according to your cycle.

Aromatherapy is an important emotional support. I use essential oils to accompany, welcome and sometimes reinforce all my emotions. I recommend combining essential oils to understand our emotions on a day-to-day basis and multiply our 1001 powers of creativity and power.

Aromatherapy, and in particular olfactotherapy*, long considered an alternative method, is now accumulating scientific evidence of its effectiveness on the nervous system. The nose is lined with millions of neurons and hundreds of olfactory receptors, enabling us to smell with every breath. In fact, the fragrant molecules in essential oils send out a chemical message. This signal is transformed into a nerve impulse sent directly to the limbic brain, the seat of emotions and memories.

Just being in contact with certain scents is enough to reactivate a memory or emotion and thus influence behavior.

Essential oils guide you towards optimal alignment between your needs and your aspirations. They provide a mental release and eliminate associated ruminations, which are linked to daily imbalances such as stress, sadness, guilt, anxiety or insomnia.

The point of using essential oils is to take power over your cycle, so you can optimize your actions and manage your emotions on a daily basis.

The phases of the cycle

Every month, a woman’s body and mind undergo a series of changes that manifest themselves physiologically, emotionally, intellectually and physically: hormones, body temperature, energy levels, concentration, secretions, pain, physical faculties, etc.

The contemplative phase – (first day of menstruation to the last). This is a passive phase when we need to rest and our body comes to a standstill. It’s an ideal time to refocus and take care of yourself.

The dynamic phase – (days 7 to 13). Energy is high, and it’s less difficult to get things done. We’re also more focused on ourselves and our successes.

Expressive phase – (day 14 to 20). This is the optimal time for empathy and caring.

The creative phase – (day 21 to 28). The phase often abhorred by menstruating people, since it’s the time when we start to think of ourselves as ugly. But it’s also the best time for creativity and original thinking.

The contemplative or Witch’s phase according to Mrs. Gray

The first phase begins on the first day of menstruation, marking the death phase of the previous cycle, when accumulated emotions and behaviors need to be released before starting anew. It’s a time of tranquility and gestation before re-emerging into the world.

Physiology: menstrual phase, when the uterine wall begins to disintegrate, triggering bleeding.

Influences: reflects the increasing darkness of the waning moon, leading into the hidden phase of the new moon. It is marked by energies withdrawn from winter, energies of transformation and darkness.

How to harness this phase with essential oils?

Skills and abilities you can boost with essential oils for anchoring and introspection: such as Atlas cedar, clove, feminine cycle blend (clary sage, lavender, bergamot, cedar wood…) or Balance blend from my supplier (spruce, hô wood, frankincense, blue tansy, blue chamomile…).

The feminine blend (for vulnerability) encourages warmth in relationships and stabilizes physical and emotional imbalances. This synergy helps relationships by teaching people to be vulnerable. It works as a powerful emotional stabilizer during menstruation. It releases emotional tensions within the reproductive organs and helps to free oneself from expectations of suffering and apprehension linked to this cycle.

Apply 1 to 3 drops to the lower abdomen or wrists.

The warm, woody aroma of the Balance essential oil blend creates a feeling of calm and well-being. This perfect blend of spruce, hô wood, frankincense, blue tansy and blue chamomile has an attractive fragrance that promotes tranquility and relaxation. Spruce, one of the oils in the Balance blend, was traditionally used by Native Americans to heal body and mind. It is still prized today for its soothing fragrance, which promotes harmony and rejuvenation.

Place one or two drops of these essential oils under the soles of your feet morning and evening, and you’ll be able to let go more fully, detach yourself from your goals and gain intuitive understanding. You’ll be more grounded, your convictions will be deeper and you’ll be better able to forgive. Your mental and physical energies will be weaker, and essential oils will help you accept them.

The dynamic phase or Virgo

This is the rebirth phase after menstruation, as if the woman were becoming a virgin again, marked by joie de vivre and an enthusiasm for the outside world.

Physiology: pre-ovulatory phase between the end of menstruation and ovulation, when a follicle matures, secreting estrogen which stimulates the uterine wall.

Influences: reflects the rising light of the ascending moon, the ascent towards the luminous, manifest outer aspect of a woman’s nature. It is marked by dynamic energies of renewal and inspiration, as in spring.

How can I exploit this phase with essential oils?

You can opt for citrus essential oils (lemon, lime, as well as motivate synergy (clementine, basil, peppermint) from my supplier’s emotion collection.

You’ll be able to optimize your concentration, memory, planning, attention to detail, structured and logical thinking, focus on objectives, independent action and motivation. You’ll also be able to excel in terms of stamina and physical strength.

Dosage: 1 to 2 drops of lemon in a liter of water, to be drunk throughout the day (in glass or stainless steel).

Or topically: massage your wrists with 1 drop of your oil. Beware of citrus fruits, which are photosensitizing, so use the soles of your feet if you’re in the sun.

The expressive phase or the Mother

This is the phase of mothering and deep love, marked by a strong spirituality and a feeling of being in harmony with life and nature.

Physiology: ovulatory phase in the middle of the cycle, when the follicle bursts and releases the oocyte. The follicle then becomes a corpus luteum, secreting both estrogen and progesterone to prepare the uterine wall for fertilization. You may feel pain and tenderness in your breasts, and notice some bleeding.

Influences: reflects the radiant light of the full moon and the attainment of fulfillment. It is marked by creative, nourishing and fertile energies, and the radiant energies of summer.

How to exploit this phase with essential oils?

Choose warm, feminine essential oils

doTERRA Whisper, designed especially for women, is a rich, complex blend of essential oils that works synergistically with the skin’s natural chemistry to create a unique, personal fragrance. Considered the most precious flowers by the perfume and aromatherapy industries, jasmine and ylang-ylang combine their euphoric aromas with the warm, spicy scents of patchouli, vanilla, cinnamon bark and cocoa to create a blend of unparalleled aromatic complexity and influence.

Apply 1 to 3 drops to the lower abdomen or heart area.

This synergy will help you become more people-oriented, effective communicator, empath, team player, networker, salesperson, altruistic, productive, flexible and emotionally strong.

Good physical, mental and emotional strength and stamina.

The creative or enchanting phase

This is the phase of mourning for the body following the absence of fertilization, marked by the descent of outer nature towards its inner aspect. The woman becomes an enchantress, with a creativity that needs to express itself and a sexuality diverted from procreation.

Physiology: pre-menstrual phase, when fertilization has not taken place. The corpus luteum gradually degenerates, and progesterone and estrogen levels fall. You may experience various discomforts such as mood swings, fatigue, irritability, migraines, back or breast pain.

Influences: reflects the increasing darkness of the waning moon, which possesses the magical and sexual power to create and destroy. It is marked by the decline of autumnal energies and strong creative and destructive energies.

How to exploit this phase with essential oils?

Use essential oils of lemon, orange, citrus bliss synergy (wild orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot and vanilla).

This blend inspires creative expression by reconnecting us to our inner child and our natural creative sense. It motivates us to tap into our true creative power by letting go of old limitations and insecurities.

These essential oils will enable you to become more analytical, problem-solving, masterful, creative and intuitive.

The oils enable you to accept the gradual decline in mental and physical energy, but above all to welcome the increase in emotionality.

Essential oils will enable you to increase your creativity tenfold, and accompany your frustration.

Holding a moondial

The basic tool for gathering observations throughout the month is the moondial. The purpose of the moondial is to enable each woman to understand her influences, her needs and her moments of strength, so that she can direct her energies and behaviors to connect with her deepest nature, her body and her creative forces.

The idea is, like a diary, to record different information for each day of her cycle in a circle divided into four phases:

-Cycle day, lunar phase

-Energy level

-Emotions, feelings




There are two steps to keeping a linear dial: the first is to make a dial for each month, and the second is to summarize the correspondences between the months in a single dial that constitutes the general profile of your cycle. In the latter, you can add all the key words, symbols, archetypes, colors and images that express the way you feel in a given phase.

There are various ways of making a dial, which can become a creative process in itself. Here’s the basic model from the book, to be adapted to the length of your cycle.

*Olfactotherapy is an energetic body-psychotherapy. It is based on scents and their power over the unconscious. It uses the sense of smell, one of the five senses directly linked to the unconscious and memory, and the aromatic molecules of certain essential oils to bring to the surface the emotions responsible for blockages or discomfort, and thus regain a sense of well-being in everyday life.

I accompany women through their cycle, offering personalized guidance based on their history, culture, personality and values.

Here are a few guidelines for choosing essential oils to accompany our emotions

  • If you’re worried or hurt, or even fearful, I’ll point you in the direction of floral essential oils.
  • If you’re prone to anxiety or lack of confidence, you’ll probably need to regain momentum and new energy. I recommend menthol essential oils.
  • If you’re subject to bitterness and dissatisfaction, you’ll undoubtedly need renewal and soothing. I opt for essential oils from plants other than mints.
  • From simple sadness to grief over a person or situation, or if you’re feeling ashamed, I turn to tree essential oils.
  • If you’re discouraged, morose or upset, I’ll select citrus essential oils.
  • If you’re moody or indifferent, I recommend spice essential oils.

With just 6 blends, you can cover most of your emotional support needs

You can treat yourself to a kit of 6 doTERRA blends that cover the whole range of strong emotions: Motivate, Cheer, Passion, Forgive, Console and Peace.

If you’d like to find out more about our kit or individual mixes, please contact me. I’ll be happy to help you.


Your naturopath aromatherapist in Metz, Nancy & Luxembourg

For Le Temple des Essences