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Vitality check-up


Rate: 65 € (excluding tax)

Length: 1H

Only available to employees of PwC Luxembourg

Appointments canceled less than 24 hours in advance will be charged

Vitality Check-up

During a consultation, a Vitality Check-up enables me to take stock of your state of health and the health of your organs. An energy balance enables me to establish a personalized lifestyle program that respects your health and well-being.

This assessment enables me to highlight your specific needs and deficiencies in terms of vitamins, minerals and enzymes and to act on your fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disorders, immune defense, anxiety and stress disorders, antioxidant, intestinal laziness, digestive disorders, water retention, detox, weight loss, anti-aging, heavy metals, lack of energy, etc.

I suggest and explain how to :

  • Balance your body’s functions by preserving vital energy
  • Preserve and optimize your health and improve your quality of life
  • Enable the body to self-regenerate through natural means.
  • The Vitality Check-up enables you to establish a personalized lifestyle program to balance your body’s functions and protect it from the stresses and strains of everyday life.

-> 1 hour per employee, €65 H.T./hour.


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